June Summer Weekend Cruise - Redbrook Harbor 6/27 - 6/29 2025

Cruise Captain: Wesley
Sail over Friday afternoon, or meet us in Pocasset anytime during the weekend.
Enter the harbor and follow the channel around the South end of the island. DO NOT STRAY FROM THE CHANNEL!
Stay in the channel until you are past bouy #12, then turn to port. When you are out of the channel, depths range from 4 to 9 feet at low tide, so consult your charts if you have a deep draft.
Anchor off the East side of Bassetts Island in the area shown by the big red "A" on the map.
Gather Saturday afternoon at the anchorage for BYO cocktails and snacks aboard the flagship.
Other activities are ad hoc between participants.
Sunday: Sail home.
Note: Cruise Details Subject to Change. Make sure we have your contact information.